HENDRICKS Ultrasonitest Ultrasonic Bath Tester

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $54.45
4 $50.82
Product Description


Recommended for daily testing.


The Hendricks Pencil Test is designed to test the functioning of Ultrasonic Cleaners and the user must follow the appropriate standards (ISO/AS/NZ) when using this product.


Relevant standards include: AS 2773.1-1998, AS 2773.2.1999, AS 4815 2006, AS 4187 2003.

Hendricks Pencil Test is used instead of a foil test, making daily testing of your ultrasonic a much simpler procedure.


LRICMUST Hendricks Ultrasonic Bath Tester