CAPRICE Deluxe Interleaved Towel 24x23cm (16 packs of 150) 1516CW

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $60.90
3 $57.09
Product Description

  Interleaved Towel


Enjoy superior absorbency and dependability with our interleaved towel.

Your workplace will be sorted with the generous size and the excellent drying qualities of this towel.

The interleaved design controls portions and reduces waste, making it a smart, economical choice for your business.

This towel is compatible with our DILDPILB and DPILW dispensers.


C1516CW Caprice Interleaved Towel

23cm x 6cm  16 x 150 towels