GC Everstick Stick Stepper Instrument

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $109.00
Product Description




Hand instrument for use with Stick and everStick fibre products

The StickCARRIER instrument is specially designed to facilitate the use of Stick and everStick® fibre products. The StickCARRIER is very useful during the positioning of the fibre bundle and functions at the same time as a tool to press the fibre bundle in place.


The StickSTEPPER instrument is specially designed to facilitate the use of Stick and everStick® fibre products. The shape of StickSTEPPER instrument is facilitating the positioning of the fibre bundles while also protecting the remaining fibre bundles from premature curing during the placement procedure.


2GC-900825 GC Everstick Stickstepper

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