FENDER Wedge Prep Grey (35)

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $123.95
Product Description

FENDER Wedge Prep Grey


Bur damage to adjacent teeth is a common problem in everyday dental practice.

Research shows that 70% of adjacent teeth suffer damage during class II preparations.* FenderWedge prevents damage to the adjacent tooth and gingiva that commonly occurs during Class II preparations. FenderWedge is a combination of a steel plate and a plastic wedge. It facilitates easy application of a matrix. To avoid aspiration it is recommended to secure FenderWedge with a waxed dental floss. Available in four sizes, x-small, small, medium and large in refill-, value pack or assortment.


2DR-602479 FENDER Wedge Prep Grey

pack of 35